The Centre for Muslim-Christian Studies (CMSC) in Oxford have developed The Hikmah Study Guides. ‘Hikmah’ is an Arabic word for wisdom. In the Hikmah-guides potential controversial issues between Muslims and Christians are brought out into the open in an easily approachable manner, in order to offer a helping hand in pursuing understanding in complex issues. The Chair offers the Hikmah Study Guides online for your perusal, free of charge. A small donation to the CMCS is nevertheless highly appreciated
New guides are published on a frequent basis and added to this list. A PDF file of the guides is available for download on the pages below:
- Christians, Muslims and… Sectarianism
- Christians, Muslims and… War
- Christians, Muslims and… Persecution
- Christians, Muslims, and…. The Bible
- Christians, Muslims, and… God (coming soon)
- Christians, Muslims, and… Law (coming soon)
- Christians, Muslims, and… Islamophobia (coming soon)